Northwest Steam Society
Promoting the Safe Use & Preservation of Live Steam

Steam Trains
If it's propelled by steam, runs on rails and you can ride on it - or in it, here's where you'll find it. Granted there's a lot of difference in size between a full-size "Big Boy" and a 7-1/2" gauge 0-4-0 switcher, but many of these smaller gauge engines are as complex as their full-size bretheren, so it is fitting that they are all listed here. Insofar as possible, the standardized American system of locomotive "names" has been used. Simply click on any of the names below to see photos and specifications of that particular locomotive.
Note: If you are a NWSS member and would like your steam train listed, or would like revisions made to your current listing, simply fill out the Word template HERE, save the document as the name of your train, and email the template and a photo of your train to the webmaster at northweststeamsociety@gmail.com.