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NWSS Classifieds

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1. You or your business must be a member, in good standing, of the Northwest Steam Society.
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5. Please notify the webmaster at when your item(s) have sold so your ad can be removed.


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Unfortunately, some "buyers" are actually not interested in buying, but rather in obtaining private information or stealing from your account. As a seller, be careful about sharing account numbers, personal schedules, even addresses.


The current scam seems to be that you receive a check and are told the boat or item will be picked up by someone     at a later date. Sometimes, they offer you money to "hold" the item for them. However, then the "buyer" decides they want their money back. You send the money back in good faith, only to find the original check was bogus. Therefore, you are out the amount of the check that you send back. PLEASE take any checks to your bank for careful review, or better yet, demand that the buyer send a certified cashier's check drawn on a reputable bank.


The Northwest Steam Society is not liable for any problems, damage or financial loss resulting from unethical or unlawful practices by sellers or buyers. 

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All purchases from the NWSS Classifieds now include one year free digital membership to the NWSS.

Steamboats, Hulls, Autos and Trains for Sale

For Sale: Steam Launch Tenacious



  • Thayer & Co. Fantail fiberglass launch

  • Length 19 feet

  • Beam 5.5 feet

  • Estimated 1500 pounds displacement

  • Tiller steering



  • Reliable Steam Engine

  • 2.5" x 3.75" x 2" compound

  • Displacement lubricator

  • Indicated 4 hp at 350 rpm

  • Stephenson link reversing

  • Hypro feed pump

  • 1.125 inch shaft

  • Bronze 17 inch x 25 inch propeller


  • Wet Leg Vertical Fire Tube

  • 19.8 Sq. Ft

  • 104 tubes x .5 inch

  • Beckett 12v DC burner w/ pressure switch

  • Working Steam Pressure 145 psi

  • Role Model #2 injector

  • 2 whistles 

  • Economizer

Asking $12,000


Michael Cross

(425) 280-4916

Tenacious setup as a non-condensing "Puffer". It draws feedwater from the lake or river. The water intake has a filter system and can be bypassed for saltwater cruising (if feedwater is carried). The steam exhaust can be vented to a tube aft of the stack or to a side thru-hull during warm up. The Tenacious comes with a depth sounder and a separate duplex pump for the remote controlled bow sprayer. 

The engine was modified from the original plans to use a Stephenson Link reverse and an inch was added to the frame height. It's a very smooth running engine that "Links" very well.

For Sale: Steam Launch Flying Cloud



  • Replica US Coast Guard Motor Surf Launch manufactured                     by Everett Engineering/Mosquito Industries (2003/2004)

  • Length 26 feet

  • Beam 8 feet

  • Estimated 7000 lbs. displacement



  • Everett Engineering/Mosquito Industries design

        and fabricated

  • 3.25 x 6 x 5 compound

  • 10-15 estimated horsepower

  • Stephenson reversing piston valves

  • Roller chain driven vacuum & feed pump

  • Main roller bearings

  • 1.25 inch shaft

  • Bronze 23.5 inch x 39.5 inch propeller


  • 55 sq. ft. VFT ASME code boiler (documented)

  • Wood or coal fired

  • Working Steam Pressure 150 psi

  • Reflex water gage

  • Penberthy injector

  • 3 Strath whistles on a single manifold

  • Separate steam whistle and siren

  • Keel condenser


The Flying Cloud was in-service

until 2022 with annual hydrostatic

testing. It also includes a GPS system,

bell, radio, bronze & gilded eagle, flags,

anchor and ground tackle, custom

cushions and all of the custom tools

and spares for this unique steam



Asking $35,000


Tim Lynch

203-216-1703 (text first)

For Sale: 26-foot SSS Inchcliffe Castle

Aluminum Lifeboat built in 1968 by Marine Safety & Equip. Co. 

  • 24 ft 10in LOD

  • 26 ft 3 in LOA (including rudder)

  • 7 ft 9 in Beam

  • 1 ft 10 in Draft

  • Compass in binnacle



  • Original 1910 G.J. Roberts & Co., Dayton OH, (Rebuilt in 2015)

  • Double simple 3.5 in bore x 4 in stroke

  • Stephenson reversing D-slide valves - rebuilt with replaceable             wear plates

  • 13 indicated horsepower

  • Shaft 1.25 inch stainless stepped up 1:1.38 with a roller chain drive

  • Bronze 17-inch x 28-inch RH propeller


  • 1947 Eclipse Vertical Fire Tube boiler 

  • Working Steam Pressure 125 psi

  • Reflex water gage

  • Leipheimer steam whistle

  • Beckett 12v oil burner

  • Thru hull blowdown

  • 1 inch x 15 ft keel condenser

  • Hotwell has float control

Asking $10,000

Contact: Ryan Plut

Text at 425-255-3289 

Boat is available for viewing in Portland, OR

INchcliffe Castle New.jpg

Also Includes:

  • Custom-built aluminum Tuff trailer

  • Danforth anchor, rode, and chain

  • 8 Personal Flotation Devices

Tow vehicle available separately: $3,000

  • 1998 Dodge Ram pick-up

  • 5.2l V-8 with 8,000 lbs towing capacity

  • Mounted bed lift hoist

For Sale: 28-ft Steam Launch Persephone II

Exquisite and spectacular mahogany and teak steam launch with duel steering stations. Engineered for easy steaming with electronically controlled Nu-Way diesel oil burner, 10 point Ritchie mechanical lubricator and hotwell float valve. Electronics include two Northstar batteries with inverter to run the Nu-Way burner and auxiliaries. Stainless steel boiler housing, hotwell, engine pan and water tank. Persephone's most recently steaming was October 2023. 

Contact: Wash Kohnke

Additional details & Contact link:

Persephone II

For Sale: 26-Foot Mosquito Enterprises USCG Surf Boat Fiberglass Hull

Some work has been started on this great project. 

Due to current circumstances, I am not going to be

able to finish it, and would like to see someone else

have the opportunity to do so. 


We purchased the fiberglass hull new from

Mosquito Enterprises a few years ago for $8,000.

Hull is located in south central Idaho.

Now Asking 

$5,000 USD Or Best Offer



Robert Christensen

(208) 219-6187 cell phone

FOR SALE: 33-Foot Wooden Paddlewheeler "Cheng Tze"

The S L Cheng-Tze is for sale.


  • Her hull is 27 ft. long plus a 6 ft. paddle wheel.

  • Her engines are 20 in. stroke X 3.5 in bore.

  • Her boiler is a Roberts-type water tube of 80 sq. ft.

  • She is wood and oil fired.

  • A very comfortable boat, she has a galley, head and sleeps two.

  • Dishes, pots & pans and silverware will also be included.

  • She also has an alcohol stove and a toolbox.


Reasonable Offers



Contact: Al Dunlap

Cell Phone: (509) 954-8852  

Landline: (509) 443-1825 

Cheng Tze.JPG
FOR SALE: 20-Foot Steam Launch “Captain Bell” 

Background: This steam launch was originally built in 1962 by John Tiffany as a steamboat, first called "Fern", then renamed "Polly". In the 70s Ed Todd became the owner.  Sometime in the 80s, Capt. Lloyd Bell of Wheeler Oregon purchased the boat and renamed her after the title of an early 60s NW steam periodical entitled "Slow Bell". After Lloyd, his son Dave Bell took ownership and renamed the boat in honor of his father as "Captain Bell". This steamboat has steamed for nearly four decades in the waters of the Nehalem River in Oregon and has appeared at most annual NWSS steam meets and many mini-meets over the decades.  Most recently she was seen steamed up at the 2022 NWSS meet at Cathlamet. This is a beloved and historic NWSS steamer. Please help find her another good home.

Vessel Details:

  • HULL: 20 x 7 x 30", 19' LWL, 1.3' draft, double-ended, hard chine launch with fixed canopy.  Plywood over fir frames, fiberglass sheathed. Mahogany stem and oak keel. Roll-down side curtains.

       All brass/bronze fastenings and fittings, Weight: 4500 lbs. 


  • BOILER: ASME code boiler built in 1962 by King Brothers. VFT, 23x44", oil-fired with 54 sq. ft. heating surface (possibly more), 150 psi operating pressure, weight: 935#.  Steam atomizing burner using Binks spray gun nozzle. 


  • ENGINE: Semple Vee-compound 3 & 5 x 4 with slip-eccentric reverse.  Built 1962, S/N 606. 


  • AUXILIARIES: Keel condenser, Hypro feed pump. Oberdorfer            gear-type condensate pump. Injector. 40 gal. H20 and fuel storage.  Bilge and drip pan ejectors. Whistles and a bell.  


  • Housed in a shop – never been outside for long.

  • 23' Easy Loader tandem trailer 

Much of this info comes from the 1980 North American Steamboat Register, page 186.

Asking $12,500 USD


FOR SALE: 29-Foot Steam Launch "Pocahontas"

Reasonable Offers


Contact: Preston Claytor

Phone: (561) 740-8721

Pocahantas Photo 3.jpg

Click image above to see photo gallery.

  • Launched 1979

  • Custom built by Thomas G. Rhodes, Saratoga Springs, NY

  • Subject of a 26-part article in Live Steam Magazine from 1982 – 1984

  • Extensive hull repairs over the past 5 years

  • Laying (Suttons Bay, MI) summer, inside heated storage (Northport, MI) winter

  • Boat will be in the water through September for sea trial and/or survey

  • Owner will provide vessel familiarization and training

  • For additional info, see specifications sheet HERE


Vessel Details

Pocahontas (formerly SL Tuscarora) is a custom-built steam launch constructed between 1975 and 1979 by Captain Tom Rhodes, a past steamboat editor of Live Steam magazine. The boat has Philippine mahogany stringers and the is hull covered with two ¾ inch layers of marine-grade plywood and a layer of fiberglass cloth.


Pocahontas has a teak deck (forward) and a solid wood superstructure. Much of the interior hardware, such as flooring, was salvaged from much larger vessels. Entering through the custom-built teak pilothouse doors, there is a V berth forward which can sleep two. The pilothouse contains a custom wheel with hydraulic steering. Full engine controls are available with linkages for forward/reverse and throttle.


The engine room is accessed via two steps down from the pilothouse. In addition to the boiler and engine, there is a bench seat (storage underneath) for the engineer, a sink, and an enclosed head with a port-a-potty.


Aft, there is a horseshoe-shaped bench that easily sits six passengers on Bottomsider closed foam seats.



  • 40-HP vertical fire-tube boiler, new 2002

  • Safety Valve (2020) set to 150 lbs.

  • Semple 10 HP 354 cross-compound, rebuilt by Fred Semple Jr. in 2003

  • Pemberthy 3/8-inch injector

  • Custom-built boiler feed pump, plunger type, belted to the shaft via Browning gear belts

  • Jabsco air or condensate pump

  • Boiler, vacuum, and water pump gages mounted on a custom cherry wood board

  • Gauges, all original, large steamer origin

  • Eight-gallon hotwell with the ability to condense or pump condensate overboard

  • Custom heat exchange (boiler feed pre-heat)

  • Custom keel condenser

  • Drip oiler for crossheads, pump oiler for valve oil

  • Two, 26-gallon freshwater tanks

  • Coal bunker, capacity 100 lbs

  • Prop shaft 1¼ inch Aquamet 22 stainless steel

  • Propeller – Michigan Workhorse, 18 X 22 four-blade, right hand

  • Numerous spares


  • Raymarine autopilot (2017)

  • Raymarine depth sounder (2011)

  • Garmin GPS (1999)

  • Standard Horizon VHF (2020)

  • Feedwater temperature gauge

  • Volt meter

  • Rule bilge pumps (2) with float switches

  • High water alarm

  • Two Duracell deep cycle batteries (2021)

  • Battery selector switch

  • 10-amp battery charger

  • Freshwater pump

  • Three circuit breaker panels (2016)

  • Spotlight

  • Weems & Plath running lights (rare)

  • Stereo with speakers in pilothouse and cockpit


  • Eight jack stands included

  • Vessel can be moved by road (no trailer included)

  • Three-chamber, low tone steamboat style whistle included

  • Vessel USCG documented

  • Forward rails from a 1923 Elko

  • Engine room hatch from a 1910 launch, includes canvas cover

  • Recent (2021) survey available

Vessel Data

Length – 29.2 feet

Length at waterline – 25 feet

Vertical clearance 14.5 feet over masts

Draft 2.5 feet (stern skeg)

Beam – 10 feet

Beam at Waterline – 8 feet

Hull speed – 6.3 MPH Max 7.5

Registered tonnage – 7 net, 9 gross


Owners personal property including tools

Pocahantas Photo 12.jpg

FOR SALE: 23-Foot Unfinished Paul Gartside Designed Fantail Steam Launch with Trailer


This 23-foot Paul Gartside Designed Fantail Steam Launch with Trailer was custom built by Silva Bay Shipyard School of Gabriola Island, BC, Canada in 2002.


However, the unfortunate death of the original owner, Graham Hodgetts, and the busy schedule of his heirs, has prevented its completion. Everything is top notch. The design, building, and workmanship is second-to-none and it is 95% complete. We now want it to go to a good home that appreciates the care and dedication that has gone into the project so far.


Vessel Details:

■ Length 23-feet

■ Built of 3/4-inch pine on a bent oak frame

■ Displacement is 3230 lbs., so it is very stable.

■ Detailed drawings and diagrams are available.

■ Partially finished in oak, teak and Philippine mahogany - (woodwork in teak, oak for the decks, coaming and seats)  

■ Price includes assorted brass fittings, syphon, petcocks, hand pump, vacuum pump valve, bollard cleats, chocks, etc., and accessories.

■ Boiler from South Stage Iron Works, Medford, Oregon

■ Housed in a heated shop – never been outside

■ Trailer: 26-foot, 6000 lb. GVW with surge brakes

■ In 2005, Graham purchased a steam engine from Hal J. May, a Northwest Steam Society member. Unfortunately, little actual information about the engine was passed on to Graham’s family. It is already installed ― we assume completely but interested parties will need to contact us to make a visual inspection to identify the specifics (size, maker, etc.), since the cylinders are currently enclosed in a wooden cover.



Blair Hodgetts

Or:  Gloria Hodgetts



$70,000 U.S.D.

FOR SALE: 23-Foot Fantail Hulls

Made to Your Specifications

Elliott Bay 23-foot fantail made to your color and seating arrangement specifications. Hulls are ready for interior woodwork and machinery installation, as deck, engine & boiler beds, stern tube, rudder port, floors, etc. are in place.


Also on hand: ASME Code boilers, antique engines, propellers, pumps, traditional bronze deck hardware, and marine steam engine castings.  


Contact: Pat Spurlock

Elliott Bay Steam Launch Co.

Portland, OR 

For more details, call

(503) 775-5954

Right: FESTINA LENTE of Swan’s Isle, Maine, fitted with LIFU compound and Merryweather boiler.

IRMTRAUD ANNA, with Stuart 6A and coal-fired VFT, has served German owners thirty years.

Cabin shell is also available.

Engines, Boilers and Equipment for Sale

FOR SALE: U.S. Navy “K” Launch Engine, mfg. 1918, Mare Island, CA

  • In original condition and appears to be unused.

  • Engine complete w/ bronze bed plate, lower

       drain valves.

  • Navy throttle valve and waxed-canvas cover on copper cross-over pipe.

  • Original lubrication system 

  • Cosmoline still on many steel parts and on

       brass jacketing.  

  • Engine turns over nicely and is ready to run.  

  • Full size copy of original Navy blueprints

       included with sale.  


Pick up in Virginia or arrange shipping.    

** Price Reduced **

  *   Now $12,000  *


Contact: H. Hollerith


FOR SALE: Hasbrouck #10 Engine

  • The engine is 2.25 inch bore x 3 inch stroke

  • The cylinder is cast iron, aluminum piston with two piston rings  

  • Main bearings are deep groove double shielded  ball bearings

  • Bottom end bearing is a sealed wide series bearing

  • The crosshead bearings are needle bearings

  • Crosshead head drip lubrication with reservoir 



Asking $2750  


Contact: Jerry Roe

(425) 765-4514

FOR SALE: ASME CODE S STAMPED Vertical Fire Tube Boiler

ASME CODE S STAMPED VFT, un-used. National Board Number 43950.  Stored dry inside since made by First Thermal Systems in 1989, but most recently rained on four years.

  • Approx. 26 boiler horsepower; 968 lbs./hr. steam generated at 150 psi.

  • Dimensions: 37” OD x 40” high; 2-inch tubes. 

This is the boiler from an unfinished 30-foot fantail launch. The boiler was assembled on top of a furnace.

Located in Portland, Oregon.

Asking $6000


Contact: Pat Spurlock

(503) 775-5954


Company For Sale        The Pearl Steam Engine Company


Magazine article material 059.JPG

The Pearl Steam Engine Company, manufacturer of the Pearl and the Zenith steam engines is for sale.  After more than thirty years of producing single and twin cylinder marine steam engines, retirement has this company available for purchase. 

The engine details can be seen at

 The offering details can be seen at

PEARL SINGLE Cylinder Engine Specifications:

  • Bore and stroke is 2 ½” by 3”

  • Teak Cladding

  • Steam line is ½” IPT steam and ¾” IPT exhaust

  • Dimensions are 16” long, 9” wide and 22” high

  • Weight is approximately 86 pounds

  • Low rpm high torque 2 h.p.

  • Has been run on air only

This PEARL single cylinder engine may be used to power up to a 20-foot LOA launch. She has been assembled with care and each part meticulously hand finished and polished as can be seen in the photo. The price reflects the amount of time needed from rough castings to the final product.

Asking $4875.00

Contact: Carole


Pearl Single.JPG

FOR SALE: Pearl Single Cylinder Steam Engine

FOR SALE: Pearl Twin-Cylinder Steam Engine


PEARL TWIN Engine Specifications:

· Bore and stroke is 2 ½” and 2 ½” by 3”

· High torque low rpm

· Dimensions are 25” long, 9” wide and 22” high

· Weight is approximately 165 pounds

· Located in Tacoma, WA area (University Place)

Asking $5925.00

Contact: Carole


Pearl Twin 4 hp.JPG

Parts, Accessories & Miscellaneous for Sale

On Now! Al Rustad Inventory Clearance Sale

1. Dansksidelt Navigation Lights

Made in Denmark circa 1950's international standards. Overall height 10 inches, Width/Depth 6 inches. Presently wired for 12v automotive bayonet base bulbs (Only sold as a matching pair) $300

2. Plastic Bilge Pump 

Made by Grizzly Manufacturing. $5

3. Industrial Thermometers (3)

3 pieces: straight ones, 100-750F (used for steam superheat on LUCIFER); 40-300F, side-connecting one is 45-950F. Check your stack temp? $20 ea. OBO

4. Tallrail Log

Measure distance traveled, face diameter 4 inches, 8 inches overall length. Missing slotted baseplate mounts & runner vane rotator. $25 

Contact: Allan Rustad 

(425) 744-4575  


All items available for inspection at Rustad Manor, Edmonds, WA







For Sale: Strath Steam's Advanced Steam Engine Design 


Australian author Rodney Muller has spent over 30 years manufacturing steam plants, beginning with his successful precision metal patternmaking business. This book includes some short stories of things that happened during those 30 years, plus so much more!


With content ranging from early steam history and its service to mankind, to the ins and outs of building small, commercially viable steam engines for enthusiast marine installations, this book is a must have for any steam enthusiast.


Also discussed are remote area power generation, as well as directly coupled, motive power (where people have access to an unlimited supply of useable renewable biomass fuel). Automotive applications are also discussed.


The section of the book called THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE INSTALLATION MANUAL contains all technical content, including diagrams, and photos of many different types of engines, boilers, even whistles and sirens. No steam library is complete without this informative and instructional book. Order yours today! (Paperback, 208 pages.)


Order directly from eBay AUSTRALIA (Item #175696845948) at this LINK (Note: price here will be in Australian Dollars).


OR, order directly from the author

through the PayPal app, for

$25.00 USD                                         

plus $22.00 USD Shipping & Handling.


For Sale: Liquid Compass

Liquid Compass in original sliding-top wooden protective case. Made in Osaka, Japan. 

Asking $600


Contact: Dave Hogan


Steam Inquiries



Photos and Memories of the "S.S. SIGHTSEER"

Do you know this vessel? I'd love to know of any photos and/or memories you might have of the SS SIGHTSEER, which served the Seattle area from 1936 to 1963.

I have the postcard views but need on-deck scenes, interior, and engine room photos. She was also known briefly as COLUMBIA QUEEN on the Columbia River at Pasco. 


Contact: Keith Sternberg

Lopez Island, WA 98261


Phone: (360) 468-2074

Starboard Running Light.jpg

Want To Buy: 1950's Era Starboard Running Light 

I'm looking for this starboard running light for a 1950 era 26-foot, ex-Navy, glass whale boat, manufactured by Modern Metal Mfg. Co., serial number MS17999 SYM 219.  Will also consider          other manufacturer's light if compatible. Any information appreciated!

Please call me anytime!

(360) 908-5717

Frank Brannan

Port Orchard, Washington

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